Albert Hidalgo

Albert Hidalgo

Dominican Republic
Frontend and Backend developer with web technologies. Have professional experience working with PHP, Node JS, Docker, React, VUE, and Quasar (Android and IOS).
Host/Deploy/upload Next.js 13 frontend in cPanel

Host/Deploy/upload Next.js 13 frontend in cPanel

In fact, a frontend built with Next.js 13 can be a static files like a traditional React, Vue, or
2 min read
Why you need to learn basics of design, Figma

Why you need to learn basics of design, Figma

Sometimes people ask me "Why do you make the design too?" and my short answer is  "Because I can 🤷‍♂️" the
2 min read
I'm using Next.js

I'm using Next.js

After a couple of years working with a multiple frontend frameworks and libraries, I decide to take the other way.
1 min read
How to create Google AdSense "Ads.txt" file using Netlify build command

How to create Google AdSense "Ads.txt" file using Netlify build command

How to create a Google AdSense "Ads.txt" file using the Netlify build command. It suggests a workaround to add dynamic files without making them public or adding them to a repository. The post provides instructions on accessing the site settings, adding content to the file using the command line.
1 min read
How to create a contact form easy with React without backend and free

How to create a contact form easy with React without backend and free

No matter you are building, if you have something public, you need to create a contact form to know the
3 min read
Many ways to get users for your projects

Many ways to get users for your projects

Recently, I've been working on a closed source project, and I've been evaluating how I'm going to bring in users
2 min read
Exploring the Benefits of Open Source, community, collaboration, and more based on my experience

Exploring the Benefits of Open Source, community, collaboration, and more based on my experience

If you know me, you know I love the Open Source community, in this blog post, I will explore my
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How Video Games Can Help you with the stress

How Video Games Can Help you with the stress

You likely know how stressful it can be to work on complex projects, meet tight deadlines, and constantly learn new
2 min read
Empowering the Next Generation: The Impact of Patience in Senior Developer-Junior Developer Relationships

Empowering the Next Generation: The Impact of Patience in Senior Developer-Junior Developer Relationships

As a senior developer, one of the most important skills you can have is patience. When working with a junior
2 min read
From Coding to Communication: The Importance of Active Listening in Software Development

From Coding to Communication: The Importance of Active Listening in Software Development

Active listening is an important skill for software developers, as it allows them to better understand the needs and requirements
1 min read