Albert Hidalgo

Albert Hidalgo

Dominican Republic
Frontend and Backend developer with web technologies. Have professional experience working with PHP, Node JS, Docker, React, VUE, and Quasar (Android and IOS).
Creating a Positive Culture for Effective Software Development

Creating a Positive Culture for Effective Software Development

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on software development. It can influence the way
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The Power of Communication in Software Development

The Power of Communication in Software Development

Communication is a vital aspect of software development, as it enables developers to effectively collaborate with one another, convey their
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From Code to Credibility: The Power of Personal Branding for Software Engineers

From Code to Credibility: The Power of Personal Branding for Software Engineers

Personal branding is a critical aspect of building a successful career as a software developer. In the increasingly competitive tech
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The Power of Collaboration: How Teamwork Can Transform Software Development Projects

The Power of Collaboration: How Teamwork Can Transform Software Development Projects

Teamwork is an essential factor that can make or break a software development project. The success of a project largely
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Beyond the Code: The Multifaceted World of Programming

Beyond the Code: The Multifaceted World of Programming

Programming is much more than simply writing code. In today's technology-driven world, programming skills are in high demand, and for
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Why you need to learn git and GitHub

Why you need to learn git and GitHub

Git and GitHub are essential tools for developers. They provide version control, collaboration, a portfolio platform, a community of developers, and are the industry standard. Learning Git and GitHub can improve your career as a developer.
2 min read
Stay Ahead of the Game: The Benefits of Continuous Learning for Software Developers

Stay Ahead of the Game: The Benefits of Continuous Learning for Software Developers

Elevate your career as a software developer with continuous learning. Stay current with new technologies, improve job security, and boost earnings potential. Dedicate weekly study time and set achievable goals for skills improvement.
2 min read
Why Docker is a Must-Have Tool for Software Developers: The Benefits and Advantages

Why Docker is a Must-Have Tool for Software Developers: The Benefits and Advantages

Discover why Docker has become a must-have tool for software developers. From its portability, consistency, scalability, isolation, to its ease of use, learn how Docker can improve your development workflow and make your life easier as a software developer.
2 min read
Objectivity over Hype: Why Being a Critical Thinker is Key for Success as a Software Developer

Objectivity over Hype: Why Being a Critical Thinker is Key for Success as a Software Developer

Avoid tech fanboyism for successful software development. Stay informed, experiment, and seek diverse opinions for objective tech choices. Limited perspective, biased decisions, and stagnation can be detrimental to growth.
2 min read
Celebrating Small Wins: The Power of Sharing Success in Open Source Development - My experience

Celebrating Small Wins: The Power of Sharing Success in Open Source Development - My experience

Sharing small successes in open source software development can have numerous benefits for both the individual developer and the community
2 min read