Albert Hidalgo

Albert Hidalgo

Dominican Republic
Frontend and Backend developer with web technologies. Have professional experience working with PHP, Node JS, Docker, React, VUE, and Quasar (Android and IOS).
Mastering the Art of Punctuality: Why Being On-Time is Essential for a Successful Career as a Developer

Mastering the Art of Punctuality: Why Being On-Time is Essential for a Successful Career as a Developer

Punctuality is a crucial aspect of any professional career, and this is especially true for developers. As a developer, you
2 min read
6 Hacks for Happy Coding: Managing the Work-Life Balance as a Software Developer

6 Hacks for Happy Coding: Managing the Work-Life Balance as a Software Developer

Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is important for overall well-being, and this applies to software developers as
1 min read
Quasar unit test with vitest - i18n and the $t method

Quasar unit test with vitest - i18n and the $t method

If you are using i18n and tried to test a component where you use the $t method, you have already
1 min read
Quasar unit test with vitest - Router mock and router-link

Quasar unit test with vitest - Router mock and router-link

Perhaps you have come across a warning in the console when running the tests. injection "Symbol([vue-router]: router)" not found.
2 min read
Quasar unit test with vitest - Axios Mock and vuex test

Quasar unit test with vitest - Axios Mock and vuex test

When we want to test the vuex store, and we have calls to APIs using axios, we need to create
3 min read
Quasar unit test with vitest - Quasar Mock

Quasar unit test with vitest - Quasar Mock

When we delve into unit tests, problems arise that perhaps few people have shared on the internet, in this case
1 min read
Don't force people to be part of their circle of friends

Don't force people to be part of their circle of friends

We commonly see people who want to be part of our circle, friendship, work, hobbies and other walks of life.
2 min read
Differences between stability and stagnation

Differences between stability and stagnation

Have you ever wondered if you are actually stable or stagnant? Stability is good, but it can become one of
2 min read
How to create a balance in your life, my experience

How to create a balance in your life, my experience

Most people tell you that "you must maintain a balance in your life" by this they mean that you must
3 min read
Coming soon

Coming soon

This is Albert Blog, a brand new site by Albert Hidalgo that's just getting started. Things will be up and