2 min read

Don't force people to be part of their circle of friends

Don't force people to be part of their circle of friends
My best friend Giant viewing the stars https://www.instagram.com/p/BXsj1Vyhzf5/

We commonly see people who want to be part of our circle, friendship, work, hobbies and other walks of life. But they want to do it in a forced or rushed way, as if it were a race.

Nobody likes forced things, in few cases you connect quickly with people, they need to have things in common, maybe not the same thoughts, but some element that unites them.

How to know if someone wants to be your friend by force

There are people who as soon as they see you and know what you do, they want to take advantage of you or your knowledge, it is a reality, in life there are people with this mentality and as soon as they have an opportunity, they will want to squeeze what you have.

You can tell this if their topic of conversation is always the same.

“I want us to work on a project, I have good ideas”

Is one of the most common phrases, or the famous

“I have the best idea in the world, you know how to program, I have the idea”

The latter with the simple intention of not supporting you financially and treating you like an employee.

He wants to meet you anytime and anywhere

This behavior is common, people who want to meet with you without even checking your agenda

“Shall we meet this Saturday at the rib joint?”

Please, we just met, and you already want to meet me in a place that you don't know if I like it. A friend or someone who knows you will always ask about your schedule first and then suggest a place that they know you like.

How do I know if I'm trying to force someone to be my friend?

At some point we have all been on both sides, some younger than others, being able to identify if you are forcing yourself to be someone's friend is simple.

When the person you want as a friend answers you flatly

"ok, well, I'm not interested or maybe later"

It is very likely that that person does not have your same tastes or simply already realized your aptitude.

Sending 200 messages to that person will not make them interesting, on the contrary, they will feel that you are harassing them, in the best case they will only leave you as seen with the 2 blue ticks, or they will simply not read your messages.


Let things flow, don't rush, maybe you have good intentions or maybe the other person has good intentions, the key here is not to despair and get to know people, you don't know where your future partner, friend or brother will be.