3 min read

How to create a balance in your life, my experience

How to create a balance in your life, my experience
Me in the sunset in Las Terrenas Dominican Republic 2021, https://www.instagram.com/itsalb3rt

Most people tell you that "you must maintain a balance in your life" by this they mean that you must work, exercise and have some leisure time. What people don't tell you is how to do it or if they do it.

From my experience, the most effective way that has worked for me is to know what activities my day has and what I want to do on weekends, and then put this on a calendar.

Physical activity, training.

My day starts at 5:50 AM, I get up and grab my BMX bike and go to the gym to practice calisthenics and bodybuilding exercises, starting early with an intensive exercise routine makes my brain release dopamine because it is an activity that I really love.


Like many of us who work in the tech industry, I have a full-time job that is remote, which allows me to come back from the gym, make breakfast, and be ready and refreshed to start the daily meeting with the wonderful team. Of which I am a part.

We have things organized, so I know what I have to do each day, there is always time for emergencies, bug fixes, or any meeting with team members if they need my help or if I need their help.

I'm not sitting in front of the computer all day like a robot, I take my active breaks to keep my blood flowing and my brain active. I usually get up from my chair every hour for at least 5 minutes, go out on the balcony, talk with my family, have a coffee, etc.

Time off

After concluding my work day at 5:00 PM, I take a short moment of leisure to free my mind, I share with friends, family or spend time watching videos, an episode of a series or a game of League of Legends.

Studying time

After the short break of 1 hour, I usually start to dedicate 1 hour to study, at the moment that I am writing this post, I am studying English. I have a list of study topics for the future and I have done so for all these years.

Open Source

Whoever follows me knows that I am passionate about Open Source, I have multiple open source projects that I maintain and that I love, each one of them has a very special place in my heart, since they are the projects that have helped me improve with time.

Open source is the way I put my previous studies to the test, I also often help people on StackOverflow by answering questions about certain technologies, with problems that I have already run into or that I just know I can help them with.

I usually spend 3-4 hours each weekday on this.


The family does not have a specific space in my agenda, moreover, the family is the only element that can be present at any moment of my day to day.

I do my best to be available to them without having to break all my other events of the day, it's very easy to get lost and isolated when you work remotely, you can fall into a hole that after it's too deep you realize that you are in it


Saturday is the perfect day to see what I did during the week and what I will do the following week, I work all day on Open Source and I don't usually leave the house until the end of the afternoon, which may be with friends, family or go out alone to meditate.

On Sunday I usually disconnect 100% from the internet, 0 cell phones, 0 computers, nothing. I simply try to go to the countryside, go out to the pack, share with the family, meet friends and do an excursion or any activity that allows me to disconnect from technology.


My day to day has not always been the same, it has been changing over time, living conditions are changing and one of the best things you can do is adapt to improve.

You will not always be able to comply with this, for example today is Sunday and I find myself writing this post 😃, but I do this because it makes me happy.

My recommendation is, dedicate at least 1 hour and a half to exercise, focus on work creating specific tasks of what you have to do, have a moment of leisure after work, study at least 1 hour every day and work on projects that put test your knowledge.

There are people who focus so much on money that they forget the most valuable thing they have close, the family.