2 min read

How Video Games Can Help you with the stress

How Video Games Can Help you with the stress
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

You likely know how stressful it can be to work on complex projects, meet tight deadlines, and constantly learn new technologies, the pressure of your work can easily lead to burnout, which is why it’s important to find healthy ways to relieve stress. One such way is playing video games.

Contrary to what some may think, video games aren’t just a mindless form of entertainment, they can provide many benefits, including stress relief. Here are some ways that video games can help you, based on my experience, to lose stress as a software developer.

1. They provide an escape from reality

Sometimes, the best way to relieve stress is to take a break from reality. Video games offer an immersive experience that can transport you to different worlds and help you forget about your work stress. Whether you’re exploring a vast open world, solving puzzles, or engaging in battles, you can focus your attention on the game and let your mind rest from work-related stressors.

2. They offer a sense of achievement

As a software developer, you’re no stranger to the satisfaction of solving a complex coding problem. Video games can offer a similar sense of achievement when you progress through levels, defeat bosses, or earn achievements. These small victories can boost your mood and give you a sense of accomplishment outside of work.

3. They promote social connections

Playing video games doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. Many games offer multiplayer modes, allowing you to connect with friends or strangers online. Engaging in friendly competition or teamwork can help you build social connections and reduce feelings of isolation or loneliness, which can contribute to stress. For example, I play League of Legends with my college friends and make a new friend each time I play alone on a ranked match.

4. They encourage mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and aware of your thoughts and feelings. Some video games can encourage mindfulness by requiring you to focus on the task at hand and tune out distractions. For example, puzzle games like Zelda Breath of the Wild can help you develop a meditative state of mind as you focus on the falling shapes.

5. They provide a sense of control

One of the most stressful aspects of software development is the feeling of being at the mercy of complex systems and technologies. Video games, on the other hand, offer a sense of control. You have the power to make decisions and take actions that affect the outcome of the game. This can be empowering and help you feel more in control of your life overall.

In my personal opinion, the video games can be a healthy and effective way to relieve stress as a software developer. The only final thing you need to be present is, the time you dedicate to the games, in my case, I leave 1 or 2 hours each end of the day to play video games. Of course, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance between work, play, and other aspects of your life. But incorporating video games into your stress relief routine can be a fun and effective way to take care of your mental health.

Special thanks to my friend Bryan for the idea.