soft skills

Soft skills include attributes and personality traits that help employees interact with others and succeed in the workplace. Examples of soft skills include the ability to communicate with prospective clients, mentor your co-workers, lead a team, negotiate a contract, follow instructions, and get a job done on time.
How Video Games Can Help you with the stress

How Video Games Can Help you with the stress

You likely know how stressful it can be to work on complex projects, meet tight deadlines, and constantly learn new
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From Coding to Communication: The Importance of Active Listening in Software Development

From Coding to Communication: The Importance of Active Listening in Software Development

Active listening is an important skill for software developers, as it allows them to better understand the needs and requirements
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Creating a Positive Culture for Effective Software Development

Creating a Positive Culture for Effective Software Development

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on software development. It can influence the way
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The Power of Communication in Software Development

The Power of Communication in Software Development

Communication is a vital aspect of software development, as it enables developers to effectively collaborate with one another, convey their
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The Power of Collaboration: How Teamwork Can Transform Software Development Projects

The Power of Collaboration: How Teamwork Can Transform Software Development Projects

Teamwork is an essential factor that can make or break a software development project. The success of a project largely
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Why you need to learn git and GitHub

Why you need to learn git and GitHub

Git and GitHub are essential tools for developers. They provide version control, collaboration, a portfolio platform, a community of developers, and are the industry standard. Learning Git and GitHub can improve your career as a developer.
2 min read
Objectivity over Hype: Why Being a Critical Thinker is Key for Success as a Software Developer

Objectivity over Hype: Why Being a Critical Thinker is Key for Success as a Software Developer

Avoid tech fanboyism for successful software development. Stay informed, experiment, and seek diverse opinions for objective tech choices. Limited perspective, biased decisions, and stagnation can be detrimental to growth.
2 min read
The Top 5 Negative Consequences of Excessive Hours for Software Developers

The Top 5 Negative Consequences of Excessive Hours for Software Developers

Excessive work hours harm software developers causing burnout, decreased creativity, health problems, poor work-life balance, and decreased morale. It's time to prioritize work-life balance for the future of the software development industry. Read our blog to learn the top 5 reasons why.
1 min read
Mastering the Art of Punctuality: Why Being On-Time is Essential for a Successful Career as a Developer

Mastering the Art of Punctuality: Why Being On-Time is Essential for a Successful Career as a Developer

Punctuality is a crucial aspect of any professional career, and this is especially true for developers. As a developer, you
2 min read
Don't force people to be part of their circle of friends

Don't force people to be part of their circle of friends

We commonly see people who want to be part of our circle, friendship, work, hobbies and other walks of life.
2 min read