2 min read

Why you need to learn basics of design, Figma

Why you need to learn basics of design, Figma
Photo by Olaf Val / Unsplash

Sometimes people ask me "Why do you make the design too?" and my short answer is  "Because I can 🤷‍♂️" the long history being this is I learned the basics of the design after a lot of hours of readings in my travels between 2018 and 2019 to my parent's house.

In the period of 2018 and 2019 I created multiple ideas, but my knowledge about software development was limited to a stack with multiple complications, maybe I write another blog post about this.

Well, In one of the ideas, I remember a thing in my head "Why you don't already know design?" and immediately I got my phone and find sources about design and resources to learn about design.

Here I write some of the reasons why you need to learn design and use Figma as your design tool.


When you know the limitations and the pros and cons of how to move the design into a code, the works are more efficient because you know how to code, is simple. From the developer's perspective, you have knowledge about the creation of components, interaction, and much other stuff.

At the final of this post, I leave some sources to learn about this.


This tool is powerful, easy to learn, and is free (initially), you can design with your team with a live interaction, this is funny. Btw, on the internet, you can find a lot of content to get started using this tool, but, I leave here a link for you to make your life easier from free code camp.

Career Growth and Professional Advancement

In today's competitive job market, software developers who possess both technical skills and design knowledge have a significant advantage. Employers increasingly seek professionals who can bridge the gap between design and development, demonstrating a holistic approach to software creation.

By learning the basics of design and Figma, you can expand your skill set, differentiate themselves from the competition, and open up new opportunities for career growth. Furthermore, this multidisciplinary approach enhances collaboration with designers and establishes a strong foundation for future leadership roles.

Well now I leave here a reading source to continue learning in deep more about UX, you can take the habit of reading 1 article per day. 😉


Is a Twitter profile, in this profile the author shares a lot of useful articles about UX and UI design, basics, intermediate, and advanced concepts.

UX Briefly


Another useful source to learn about design, here you can find more deep articles about design and the multiple ways to get a real interactive design.